Saturday, March 7, 2009

My First Roll of B&W

Two days ago I walked around the UNCW campus and snapped off my first roll of Black and White film. I have only been using my Pentax K1000 35mm film camera a few days, and so I'm not really sure how everything works yet.

After doing some reading, I found that everyone seems to start with B&W film. Apparently, using B&W film is a great way to learn proper exposure. With a limited range of colors in the black and white spectrums, you pay more attention to lighting and focus.

I slapped a new battery in the camera so the light meter would work properly, loaded it with 400ASA B&W film, and headed out for the day. Here are some of the pictures I got that day.

I feel this picture is slightly over-exposed. My meter had a good reading, so I might just need to close the iris down half a stop to compensate. This picture is a bridge that crosses over one of the three ponds in the center of our campus.

The above picture is my favorite of this roll of film. Because all of these were exterior shots, the sun was my key light, or main source of lighting. On the day I had taken the pictures, the sky was partly cloudy so no harsh shadows were created. I think this actually gave the pictures a flat appearance, but it worked well.

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