I decided this time to give a sunset a try. Of course, I live on the East Coast, so sunsets over water aren't exactly an option. Except that I also happen to live at the beach.
I went out to Wrightsville Beach, which is on an island just outside Wilmington, North Carolina. So, I walked along the backside of the island and was able to capture this photo as the sun set over the sound between the mainland and the island.
This photo has been slightly altered using iPhoto to boost color. The original was not bad, just flat. I believe the flat image is a result of fast exposure time. I used a 50mm lens to capture this photo, but because the sun was so bright I dropped the exposure time to just 1/125. I think this is too quick of an exposure for capturing good color.
The next image is also one of my favorites. I took all the images with 100ASA film so the grain would be very tight. The main reason for this is that I could get enlargements made. I have an 8"x10" enlargement of the last two images framed and hanging on my wall. The slower film speed means enlargements look better.
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